This post includes resources from the Corbett Water District about water leaks.
The most common leak is found on toilets.
You can check this by placing food coloring in the back tank of the toilet, wait ten minutes, then see if color is coming out into the toilet bowl. If color is appearing in the toilet bowl, the flap and/or chain may need to be repaired. If the flow indicator is still moving and your toilet is not leaking, you may want to check for a leak in your service line.
If you are concerned that a leak may be present in your waterline, we suggest to turn off all the water at the residence, then go to your meter to see if the flow indicator is spinning. If the flow indicator is still spinning after all the water has been turned off, a leak may be present. The most common leak is found on toilets. You can check this by placing food coloring in the back tank of the toilet, wait ten minutes, then see if color is coming out into the toilet bowl. If color is appearing in the toilet bowl, the flap and/or chain may need to be repaired. If the flow indicator is still moving and your toilet is not leaking, you may want to check for a leak in your service line. There are leak detection companies that can help find where your leak is located at if needed. If you become aware of a leak in your water line, we ask that you repair it as soon as possible to conserve water. If you need assistance to determine if your meter is spinning, or if you have any questions, the office staff would be glad to help.
If you need assistance with a large bill caused by a leak in your waterline, please fill out the leak adjustment form (pdf) as soon as repairs are made:
According to WaterSense, 10 percent of homes have water leaks that waste 90 gallons or more per day. Taking 20 minutes to check your home for leaks today could save hundreds (up to thousands!) of gallons of water.
Select here for tips on finding indoor and outdoor water leaks!
Tips to reduce water consumption:
1. Make sure all faucets both inside and outside are completely turned
off after each use.
2. Regularly check toilets for leaks.
3. During summer months, only water gardens in the evening or early in
the morning.
4. When washing dishes by hand, don’t let the water run while rinsing.
Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water.
5. Run your laundry machine and dishwasher only when they are full.
6. Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost vegetable food waste
7. For cold drinks keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of
running the tap.
8. Monitor your water bill for unusually high use. Your bill and water
meter are tools that can help you discover leaks.
9. Wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running
water from the tap.
10. Spreading a layer of organic mulch around plants retains moisture
and saves water, time and money.
11. Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, then reuse
it to water houseplants.
12. Check the root zone of your lawn or garden for moisture before
watering using a spade or trowel. If it’s still moist two inches under
the soil surface, you still have enough water.
13. When cleaning out fish tanks, give the nutrient-rich water to your
14. Use a water-efficient showerhead. They’re inexpensive, easy to
install, and can save you up to 750 gallons a month.
15. Know where your master water shut-off valve is located. This could
save water and prevent damage to your home.
16. Use a commercial car wash that recycles water.
17. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and save 25 gallons a
18. When the kids want to cool off, use the sprinkler in an area where
your lawn needs it the most.
19. Winterize outdoor spigots when temperatures dip below freezing to
prevent pipes from leaking or bursting.
20. Insulate hot water pipes for more immediate hot water at the faucet
and for energy savings.
21. Aerate your lawn at least once a year so water can reach the roots
rather than run off the surface.
22. When you give your pet fresh water, don’t throw the old water down
the drain. Use it to water your plants.
We encourage you to help conserve this precious resource for future generations!
Corbett Water District’s Rules and Regulations
All leakage occurring between the meter and the property served will be the responsibility of the customer. In addition, the customer will be responsible for the proper maintenance and repair of the water lines, stop and waste valves, gate valves, pressure regulators, backflow assemblies, plumbing fixtures, hydraulic devices and other water-related facilities at the customer’s premises.
The District will not be held liable for any damages or injuries whatsoever resulting from leakage or water running on the premises from pipe lines, plumbing fixtures, open faucets, valves, fixtures, devices, appurtenances, hoses or other water-related facilities located beyond the meter.
A water leak or water leakage is defined as any water loss on the customer’s side of the District water meter resulting from a condition where repair and/or replacement of customer infrastructure (service line or interior plumbing, etc.) is required to terminate the water leak.
Water usage resulting from conditions that did not involve repairs or replacements (such as filling a swimming pool, leaving an outdoor watering hose or irrigation sprinkler system on too long) are not eligible for a water leak adjustment by the District.
Water leaks due to leaking faucets or toilets are not eligible for water leak adjustments.
Water leaks on irrigation lines are not eligible for water leak adjustments.
Any District customer may apply and be considered by the District to receive an adjustment to their current water bill according to this policy.
To be considered eligible for a water leak adjustment, the customer is first required to promptly resolve the water leakage at the customer’s own expense (The District is not fiscally responsible for repairs or replacements needed on the customer side of the District water meter). Repairs must be completed within 45 days of the customer discovering the leak or notification of the leak from the Water District.
Once the repairs are complete and within 30 days of when repairs have been made, the customer may request a water leak adjustment in writing on the approved District form (See Exhibit A) either at the District office or through the District’s web site at
The customer’s leak adjustment request must include a statement of where and when the leakage occurred, receipts from the repairs and/or pictures of the leak and repairs and a written summary of what steps were taken (what work was done) to terminate the water leakage.
No more than one water leak adjustment shall be granted to a customer during a rolling 24-month period.
No leak adjustment shall be made for bills that have not increased more than 25% from the same billing cycle the prior year or the three billing cycles prior to the leak
No more than two leak adjustments will be granted at any property unless proof of complete water line replacement is provided to the District. **
Upon receiving a water leak adjustment request, the District Office Staff will calculate a water leak adjustment credit of up to 50% of the cost of the amount of water lost based upon the average of the same billing cycle for the last three years. If historical information is not available the adjustment will be based on the average of the three billing cycles prior to the leak. Adjustments may not be issued for leaks extending over more than two consecutive billing cycles. The water leak adjustment credit excludes the fixed base rate portion of the bill and normal historical water use during the billing period. The customer’s cost for infrastructure repairs (materials and labor) or damage done to other property as a result of the customer’s water leak is not eligible for reimbursement by the District.
If the water leak adjustment is approved by the District Manager the customer will be notified and the credit will be applied to the customer’s account. If payment for the balance is not received within thirty days of notification or the customer has not set up a payment plan for the balance, the leak adjustment will be removed from the account and the customer will be liable for the full amount with no right to appeal. Any outstanding portion of the bill is subject to late fees and penalties up to and including termination of service according to Ordinance 2009.05.02 Penalties, Fees and Deposits. The value of the credit shall not exceed $800 per water leak adjustment request.
The customer may appeal the District’s decision to the Board of Commissioners when the District determines that the customer does not qualify for a leak adjustment or if the customer disagrees with the amount of the proposed leak adjustment.
If the customer accepts the District’s proposed leak adjustment the customer foregoes any right to appeal to the Board of Commissioners.
If a customer chooses to appeal the proposed adjustment they must notify the District office of their desire to appeal by submitting a written request. The customer must indicate the reason for their appeal and include information supporting their appeal. The District will notify the customer of the date the Board of Commissioners will consider the appeal. The customer or the customer’s representative must be present to discuss and answer Commissioner questions concerning the leak adjustment request. If not present, no further appeal action will be considered by the District.
The District will convey the Board’s decision in writing to the customer within thirty (30) days of the review. All decisions of the Board of Commissioners are final. Once a customer is notified of the Board’s decision the credit will be applied to their account. If payment for the balance is not received within thirty days of notification or the customer has not set up a payment plan for the balance the leak adjustment will be removed from the account and the customer will be liable for the full amount with no right to appeal.
**It is recommended a pressure reducing valve (PRV) be installed immediately following the meter on currently installed and new water lines to avoid fluctuation to water pressure that can damage water lines, water heaters and plumbing fixtures
Adopted September 18, 2018