“Every person has a right to inspect any public record of a public body in this state, except as otherwise expressly provided…”

• Oregon Public Records Law (ORS 192.314)

A Public Record is any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business. A record may be handwritten, typed, photocopied, printed, microfilmed, or exist in an electronic form such as email or a word processing document, or other types of electronic recordings. A record is a public record if it contains information relating to the conduct of Corbett Water District business and is prepared, owned, used or retained by the District. Members of the public have the right to inspect and copy public records that are not otherwise exempt from public disclosure. Examples of exempt records can be found in ORS 192, specifically ORS 192.345, and ORS 192.355.

It is Corbett Water District’s policy to respond to public records requests in an orderly, consistent, and reasonable manner. Public records requests must be submitted in writing, which includes email. Unless impracticable, the District shall acknowledge receipt of the written request to inspect or receive a copy of a public record within five business days after receiving the request. As soon as reasonably possible, but not later than fifteen business days after the District has received a written public records request, the District shall complete its response to the request, or inform the requester in writing that the District is still processing the request and provide a reasonable estimated date when its response will be complete.

How to submit a Public Records Request:


Quick Reference Guide to Oregon’s Public Records Law, from Open Oregon: A Freedom of Information Coalition