Protecting Our Drinking Water

Customers of the Corbett Water District continue to enjoy relatively pristine drinking water from upper Gordon Creek watershed, a tributary of the Sandy River. To ensure our water quality remains high, and ample quantity is available for present and future generations, the District sought grant funds from Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Starting in March 2023, we began working with water consulting firm GSI Water Solutions, Inc., and formed a team of landowners within the watershed as well as customers within the District (Risk Reduction Team). The Team began to identify risk factors in our watershed that can affect our water quality and quantity.

The Risk Reduction Team and District staff gathered information on the Gordon Creek watershed and the District’s infrastructure. Two public meetings were held in September 2023 and January 2024 to provide results and seek public input. A draft Risk Reduction Plan was developed and presented to the Corbett Water District Board, and adopted in early 2024. Read the final report.

Now the District will develop a Drinking Water Source Protection Plan, and ultimately implement the Protection Plan.


At the end of September 2023, the Corbett community gathered together to discuss the potential risks to our Gordon Creek watershed. Watch a recording of the meeting here

See the slide show presentation from our facilitators Suzanne de Szoeke and Leah Cogan of GSI Water Solutions, Inc.

See the Risk Prioritization Matrix